Balistoides conspicillum

Common Names: Big Spotted Triggerfish

Place Of Origin: Australia, Indo-Pacific Ocean, Sumatra

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Aggressive  

Reef Compatibility: Moderate Danger to Reef

Level of Care: Easy

Minimum Size Aquarium:  120+

Maximum Size: 20 Inches

Clown Triggerfish make a fantastic visual enhancement to reef tanks that mimic their natural habitat of Australia and the Indo-Pacific Ocean. These fiercely painted Triggerfish are prized for their contrasting spotted patterns and energetic feeding routines. Clown Triggerfish leave all joking aside when it comes to their carnivorous diet, enjoying a wide variety of fleshy delicacies such as shrimp, squid, clams and nearly anything shelled that aid in keeping their teeth ground down. Therefore, it is recommended that they stay well-fed if housed with smaller tank mates that they may perceive to be food. Balistoides conspicillum reach twenty inches if kept in aquariums of 120 or more gallons and given enough food to combat its high metabolism and active lifestyle. This fish is known to eat straight from the hand that feeds. However, owners of Clown Triggerfish practice caution to avoid its teeth which can deliver a painful nip.

Like many triggerfish, they tend to be extremely easy to maintain and can show aggressive tendencies. Therefore, it is best to keep all tank mates similar in size and aggression to avoid domination of food sources. Clown triggerfish are also known to rearrange the landscape to a personally suitable environment, so stay alert of what it can move and make proper considerations to decoration to avoid reef destruction.